“Miss Levee, it there any written proof of what you’re saying?” The teacher grinned as she walked over to her large desk and sat down.
“Well Kloe, these events were never officially documented in any governmental ships’ logs, if that’s what you’re asking”. Every eye in the classroom was on her. Looking at the kids she spoke in a soft and eerie voice, as if they were all sitting around a campfire in the dead of night listening to ghost stories. With the filtered sun streaming through the dirty glass windows she said in an almost whisper,
“But, if one studied the sacred ancestral tales passed down through the generations of the Chinook and Clatsop tribes, documentation did indeed exist.” The class slowly uttered Wow, in unison.

“Before you leave for the weekend, let me read something to you.” Smiling, she opened a large dusty black book on her desk. A page was uncovered by a worn purple bookmark ribbon. She began to read aloud to the now eager students,
“Innumerable rocks of immense size out at a great distance from the shore and against which the seas brake with great force gives this Coast a most romantic appearance, . . .the grandest and most pleasing prospects which my eyes ever surveyed, in front of a boundless ocean.” These are the words written by Captain and surveyor, William Clark on January 8, 1806.”

On the walk home from school, Hudson couldn’t contain his excitement.
“What Miss Levee was saying was pretty cool, don’t you think?” Kloe, deep in thought, smiled and nodded in agreement. Something about Miss Levee’s account of the Saghalie triggered her senses, especially because of her noble Chinook background. With the guidance and encouragement of her grandparents Chikamen and Hyak, Kloe was still developing her tribal gift of the Shikla-like ability to transform herself into the past. Unfortunately, this power could not solve the mystery of her missing parents, but she continued to nurture her ancestral ability, hoping someday it would.

According to the mythology of the Northwest Coastal tribes, a Shikla was a type of hero who brought balance to the world by using its powers to change people, animals, and the landscape into different forms. Closing her eyes, in a dream like state, she was transported to the coast where the giant rock stood in majestic splendor before her. She felt the salt ocean breeze across her face and heard the seabird’s calls mixed with the waves lapping the shore. This beautiful picturesque scene brought out a smile and when she opened her eyes, it had vanished, but not before leaving a deep ominous voice she could barely make out.

Not really understanding the significance of this vision except to realize the mystical mountain still commanded some kind of respect. Kloe didn’t notice the dark presence that was watching her every move as they walked home from school. She didn’t hear the menacing low voice echoing throughout the sky, which would surely have caused her concern.
     “Good Klahanie, good. I will send you an unmistakable sign of my vindictive force. . .”

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