While on assignment in Alaska in 2012, I wrote this article (presented here in 3 parts) on the Anchorage Fur Rendezvous.

Newly introduced events include snow and ice sculpture competitions, the Outhouse Race, the Frostbite Footrace and Costume Fun Run and a new classic, The Running of the Reindeer. It is a race where these horned and hoofed creatures chase a festive mob of people. But unlike the Running of the Bulls at Pamplona, these runners (some dressed in outrageously creative costumes) get to hug and pet their docile pursuers prior to the race. This one block race (held in five heats) has up to 2,000 joyful participants and there is no bigger crowd pleaser.

Unless it’s Yukigassen. That is the Japanese word for Snowball Battle. It is a team sport that combines the elements of paintball, dodge ball and good old fashion snowball fights. What better place for international teams to compete than in the snowy Fur Rondy. From its small and humble Anchorage beginnings the main focus of the Winter Carnival was to bring its people together, to show community support for the fur trade and to have fun celebrating the beginning of the end of winter.

Although now on a grander scale, the goal remains the same. This year it is estimated that over 250,000 people will participate in the Fur Rondy with the same purpose. The muktuk may be more difficult to find, but the reindeer sausage grinders and reindeer nachos will be plentiful.

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