“I’ll light the fire. While you place the flowers in the vase that your brought, today . . .”

I’ve lived in my small Writers Cottage for over 16 years. It is adorned with accumulated and repurposed furnishings. I find contentment being surrounded by old familiar things especially in these times of isolation.

It’s a comfortable space for my inner writer, musician and dreamer to breathe and ponder. Inspiration happens at random moments so creative cycles are never determined by the position of the sun or any self-imposed limits. Everywhere I turn I see lovely personal items that transport me back to memories down the long and winding road to my intentional life.

Now that I’m a member of the “senior discounts” club, my life has slowed to a more calming yet satisfying pace. Ordinary moments that were once fleeting are now more beautiful and appreciated. It’s not about always doing something special, but enjoying those non-special times.  If last year’s quarantine has shown me anything, it’s how I can get by with less consumption while redirecting my focus inward. Being sheltered-in-place, has proven that your home IS a reflection of your soul.

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