Echoes At Ehkola-part 1 of 2

Yes, ECHOES AT EHKOLA is the title of my novel that I am working on, it’s about half written. My writing style and procedure is a little strange. I know authors like Hemmingway or Steinbeck (not to suggest any comparison to me) could sit down at a typewriter and tear...

Ken Canedo Tour

My brother Ken is a talented Litergical composer and author. This weekend (SEP 9-13) he is on a tour of the Bay Area performing musical concerts and to promote his latset book “From Mountains High”. It’s the second in a series of books on specific periods of...
Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out. . .

Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out. . .

Welcome back to the re-launch of my website. It has had a complete make-over making it easier to follow and access, not to mention easier on the eyes. It will describe all of my current and future novels and where the hard covers, soft covers and eBooks can be...


Welcome. My name is Keith Canedo, author of UNFOLDING, As It Should. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here. I’ll be using this blog to interact...
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