Press Kit
Keith answers your questions
What is your background and where did you grow up?
At what point did you realize you wanted to be an author?
How many books have you written and what was your inspiration for UNFOLDING, As It Should?
In my first novel, UNFOLDING, As It Should I wanted to write something I knew about and was familiar with. It’s loosely based on the many stories my parents told us as we were growing up, some in the backdrop of World War II and the mystical folklore of the people of the Philippines. It’s a story of family hardship, redemption and forgiveness.
What genre are your novels? Is there a common theme?
Where do you get your inspiration?
What is the most difficult part about being an author?
Do you have a Literary Agent representing you?
Where have you traveled that has influenced your writing?
I have many. I have had the opportunity to travel to various places around the world and experience its unique people. I’ve traveled to many locations in Alaska from the city of Anchorage, to Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Island chain, to Kuparuk Oil Fields on the North Slope. I have worked in the -14⁰F winter temperatures at Trois-Riviers, a town 2 ½ hours north of Montreal, Quebec, Canada to the 115⁰F summers in Gila Bend, Arizona. I’ve taken a 4 ½ hour flight in a military helicopter from the coastal city of Magadan to the Kubaka Gold Mine on the Omolon River in Siberia, Russian Far East. Despite extreme temperatures, cultural and language differences, (I don’t speak French or Russian) the people I met were kind and inspiring.